Our Work for Conservative Values Coalition PAC
Conservative Values Coalition PAC
Services Delivered
content management • css3 • digital marketing • front end development • html5 • html5/css3/jquery • it consulting • mobile browsing • mobile optimization • responsive web design • site design • site integration • social media • web2.0
CVCPAC (Conservative Values Coalition Political Action Committee) turned to Rock Media to assist them in launching their first website. They had a very tight development schedule and needed to get up and running quickly. They needed a site to highlight their efforts to impact our current political discussions and to highlight candidates they were supporting in the 2012 campaign season.
We designed a fully mobile optimized site that is device agnostic. The site was built using HTML5, CSS3 and built on a WordPress CMS back-end. We provided them with custom content features to allow the promotion and publication of their support for candidates. We also included fundraising integration and social media integration. We also tied in a email marketing campaign to allow CVCPAC to stay in contact with their supporters. The project successfully launched with 3 weeks of the first design meeting.