New Invoice: Fellowship Adventures – 0401B19

$1,250.00 due on April 1, 2019


P.O. Box 340921
Austin, TX. 78734


Fellowship Adventures

PO Box 994
Fairview, TN 37062

Attn: client_fa

Invoice Number INV-0012858
Invoice Date April 1, 2019
Due Date April 1, 2019
Total Due $1,250.00

Invoice for 50% retainer for website framework project for

Our proposal is to deliver a custom WordPress framework that integrates the feature set requirements to the client’s server. The client’s existing graphics, content and data will be integrated into the site along with additional graphics and video elements as required. The framework will support a fully customizable, unique landing page (home page), unique interior pages (five different layouts), integrated SEO toolset and integrated blog/news. The site will be fully responsive for three (3) screens: desktop, tablet & handheld and with mobile optimized content.

Service Hrs/Qty Rate/PriceSub Total
Design, Develop and Deploy Framework - Retainer

Includes: Core web-platform ecosystem, landing page(s), contact page, location/offices page with integrated mapping, smart forms engine, up to five unique interior page layouts and integrated SEO toolset built on a fully responsive and mobile optimized design..

1.00 $2,500.00$1,250.00
Content creation, integration and layout (based on client input and guidance)

Services included at no-charge

1.00 $500.00$0.00

Payment is due upon receipt.

Sub Total $1,250.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $1,250.00