New Invoice: Covenant Testing Technologies – Careers Landing Page

$1,500.00 due on September 15, 2017


P.O. Box 340921
Austin, TX. 78734


Covenant Testing Technologies, LLC

10077 Grogans Mill Rd., Suite 100
The Woodlands, TX 77380

Attn: client_covenant

Invoice Number INV-0915D17
Invoice Date September 15, 2017
Due Date September 15, 2017
Total Due $1,500.00

Covenant Testing Technologies, LLC (the client) requires a user-friendly careers landing page that integrates with their ICIMS ATS system to provide real-time job opening data. The client also wants to provide increased visibility on their home page for open positions and promote the corporate values and benefits for future employees.

Covenant Career LP - Proposal

Service Hrs/Qty Rate/PriceSub Total
Design, Develop and Deploy Job Landing Page

Build out an integrated jobs page within the current website framework that includes user-defined hero section (image or video), job sub navigation, regional employment opportunities including job application links, user-defined call to action sections and focused or featured job section.

1.00 $750.00$750.00
Integrate Push to Talk Functionality – connect job seekers to internal recruiters
1.00 $250.00$250.00
Build out ICIMS API interface to supply real-time job information based on ICIMS data 1.00 $500.00$500.00

Payment is due upon receipt.

Sub Total $1,500.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $1,500.00