New Invoice: Climate Impact Capital – 1109C20

$400.00 due on November 9, 2020


P.O. Box 340921
Austin, TX. 78734


Climate Impact Capital

Attn: client_cic

Invoice Number INV-1012859
Invoice Date November 9, 2020
Due Date November 9, 2020
Total Due $400.00

Media Marketing Module - CIC Website

Client is requesting custom development to build out a custom media content module to support Videos, PDF Documents, Presentations (zipped), Online Media Links (Dropbox, Box, etc.) to their existing website. The new module will ensure that each item will support Summary text, Full text, Featured image, Custom sort order, SEO keywords, Unique tags & categories, Author tags. Additionally the module will feature a Media Landing Page with user control over items to display and number of items by item type and individual Media content archive pages

Service Hrs/Qty Rate/PriceSub Total
Custom Media Marketing Module
1.00 $500.00$500.00
Existing Customer Discount 1.00 $-100.00$-100.00

Payment is due upon receipt.

Sub Total $400.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $400.00